Springtime is the time of year to dust off the muck and mud that has built-up over the inclement weather seasons. Here are some spring cleaning tips to get your home fresh for the season!
Lucas is excited for spring cleaning!
The first step seems like the easiest task, and yet is a key contributor to the quality and efficiency of the clean. Make a checklist to follow, and set aside a good amount of time for each task, so you can be thorough. There are hundreds of spring cleaning checklists available to print out online. Consider scheduling multiple days, perhaps a full weekend, two full weekends, or every Saturday for one month, to get through your entire checklist. Get your cleaning supplies ahead of time and roll up your sleeves!

Don’t forget to make your checklist!
Make doormats welcoming
Either replace the old ones, or give them the toughest cleaning they can take. They’re your front line against tracked-in dirt, and while we don’t always take notice to one’s clean welcome mat, we easily notice a frayed, torn and weathered mat. Once you’ve made your spring cleaning list, replacing your welcome mat could be your official start to spring cleaning!

Sherman welcomes everyone!
Clean Windows
Prepare to let the light in by giving all windows a good clean both inside and out. Use a rubber-edged squeegee for the quickest and best results. These can be found in a variety of sizes to fit your needs, and squeegee extension kits are available to help you reach all the high and hard-to-reach spots.

Tatum helps wash the windows!
Wash Your Blinds and Curtains
In addition to clean windows, the blinds and curtains usually can benefit from a good clean. Blinds can simply be wiped down with warm soapy water or gentle cleaner, and curtains are easily washed or dry-cleaned.

Norman prefers new blinds!
Dust Light bulbs
Dust builds up from settling on light bulbs and fixtures. Take some time to unscrew all light bulbs in the home, and polish the bulbs with a microfiber cloth dampened with water (avoid wetting the metal screw base). Clean the bulbs in recessed ceiling fixtures with a lamb’s wool duster.

Alex the Wondercat shows his owner how its done
Dust all forgotten places
Easily overlooked items such as lamp shades and ceiling fixtures. As you make your original checklist, search through each room to find where dust can settle. Use a lint roller to get dust off all fabric surfaces.

Check all the areas where dust can hide!
Update Bed Linens and Pillows
Replace your bedding for a quick makeover. It’s also a great idea to clean and revive your mattress during this time by spot cleaning and sanitizing. Change the colors and theme of your bedding, get some fluffy new pillows to welcome dreams of sunshine, flowers and spring showers!

Moses sleeps tight with his baby
Vacuum Vents
Vacuum and wipe the vents in each room. It’s always a good idea to change any filters in the house as the seasons change to keep the circulating air as clean as possible.

Mitch likes to hang out on the vent
Tend to the refrigerator and those hard to reach kitchen areas
Wiping each shelf, tossing out what is no longer needed, and cleaning the drawers in preparation for the season’s fresh fruits and veggies! Don’t forget to clean out the freezer, and clean the buildup off the condenser coil to keep your fridge from overheating in the hot summer months. While you’re in the kitchen, check the oven hood and degrease your cooking areas.

Koko found a nice spot to chill!
Wash walls and baseboards, then make your way to floors
Be sure to consider the order of cleaning items, leaving your floors for last. This is a perfect time to shampoo carpets or re-buff and wax the floors.

Bella is ready for a nap on the nice clean floor!
Welcome spring!
Be sure to place flowers in your home to welcome this beautiful new season, and to make your clean home smell springtime fresh!

Trudy the cat reminds us if you have pets, make sure your flowers are pet friendly!